
Branch Presidents

There are six local branches of the Institute: Northeast, Northwest, Regina, Saskatoon, Southwest, and Yorkton.
Each branch selects a Branch Executive to organize the activities of each branch.

Patty Soloducha PAg

Patty Soloducha PAg

Northeast Branch

Robbie Retzleff PAg

Robbie Retzleff PAg

Northwest Branch

Cory Jacob PAg

Cory Jacob PAg

Regina Branch

Morgan Cote AAg

Morgan Cote AAg

Saskatoon Branch

Austin Baron  PAg

Austin Baron PAg

Southwest Branch

Kent Gress PAg

Kent Gress PAg

Yorkton Branch

Branch Executives

Northeast Branch (2024-2025)
President Patty Soloducha PAg
President-Elect Mackenzie Wilson-Anderson AAg
Secretary Brianne McInnes AAg
Treasurer Daniel Edmunds AAg
Provincial Councillor Vacant
Director of Education & Articling Kimberly Martin AAg
Director of Branch Scholarship Vacant
Director of AgUpdate Cole Heibert AAg
Director of AgUpdate – Elect Lane Christiansen APg
Director Corey Serhan AAg
Director Jeremy Laxroix AAg
Past President Shawna Lussier PAg
Director Elizabeth Fleury AAg
Director Brooklyn Ulrich AAg
Regina Branch (2024-2025)


President Cory Jacob PAg
President-Elect Jason Stewart TechAg
Secretary & Director of Education Jennifer Nielsen PAg
Treasurer Addison Cullen TechAg
Provincial Councillor Sherri Roberts PAg
Director of Branch Scholarship Kaitlin Kelly PAg
Director Ted Bass PAg (Reg)
Director Andrew Urzada PAg
Director Mike Wilmot PAg
Director Taylor Peck PAg
Director Vacant
Southwest Branch (2024-2025)
President Austin Baron PAg
President-Elect Chayce Gavelin AAg
Secretary Adriane Good AAg
Treasurer Mark Claxton AAg
Provincial Councillor Cierra Wallington PAg
Director of Communications Katie Carefoot PAg
Director of Branch Scholarship Amanda Stevenson PAg
Director of Events Kyla Bolton AAg
Director Vacant
Director (Past President) Vacant
Northwest Branch (2024-2025)


President Robbie Retzleff PAg
President-Elect Vacant
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Michelle Pashniak TechAg
Provincial Councillor Dena Delday PAg
Director of Education & Articling Laura Hillaby ATechAg
Director of Branch Scholarship Rhena Semeniuk PAg
Director Tasha Huttman AAg
Director Ryne Keller AAg
Director Jeffrey Blanchard AAg
Director Kaylee Doke AAg
Director Brent Moore PAg


Saskatoon Branch (2024-2025)


President Morgan Cote AAg
President-Elect Owen Tillie AAg
Secretary Sean Cruz AAg
Treasurer Kevin White AAg
Provincial Councillor Adam Berenik PAg
Director of Education & Articling Michael Solohub PAg
Director of Branch Scholarship Vacant
Director Scott Grant PAg
Director Mike Cey PAg
Director Jonna Jacob PAg
Director Balwinder Kumar AAg
Director Kiley Podhordeski PAg (Ret)
Director Harjot Singh AAg
Director Morgan Cote AAg
Director Anne Nerbas AAg
Director Peter Song


Yorkton Branch (2024-2025)
President Kent Gress PAg
President-Elect Vacant
Secretary Corissa Wilcox AAg
Treasurer Chris Hawkins PAg
Provincial Councillor Lyse Boisvert PAg
Director of Education & Articling Hannah Nagy AAg
Directory of Branch Scholarship Amanda Filipchuk ATechAg
Director Greg Tomcala AAg
Director Anna Grisnich PAg
Director David McKerchar PAg
Director Shynelle Scherbey AAg
Director Jade Delurier PAg
Past President Vacant