
The Institute is represented by several representatives and committee members.

University of Regina Senate Michael Hoffort PAg (Ret)
University of Saskatchewan Senate Shankar Das PAg
Certified Crop Advisors Bryce Giesel PAg
Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame Al Scholz PAg (Ret)
Agrologists Agronomes Canada Valerie Pearson PAg

Standing Committees

Act & Bylaws Committee
  1. Guides the development of The Agrologists Act and SIA’s Bylaws.

Committee Members

Sherri Roberts PAg (Chair) David McKerchar PAg
Bob Tyler PAg Karen Morris,  Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (Observer)
Shathi Fardausi PAg Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
Sandra Shiels PAg Annette Horvath (Ex officio)
Rhena Semeniuk PAg
Branch Presidents Committee
  1. Meets via conference call within one week of each council meeting.
  2. Acts as the advisory committee for the Annual Convention.
  3. Serves as the selection committee for Honours and Awards.

    Committee Members

    Robyne Morley PAg (Chair) Ken Gress PAg
    Morgan Cote AAg Austen Baron PAg
    Patty Soloducha PAg Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
    Cory Jacob PAg Shannon Doucette (Ex officio)
    Robbie Retzleff PAg
    Executive Committee
    1. Manages and directs the ordinary affairs of the Institute by the provisions and established policies of the Institute, the Act and the SIA’s Bylaws.
    2. Oversees human resources of the Institute.
    3. General duties assigned by Council.

    Committee Members

    Robyn Morley PAg (Chair) David McKerchar PAg
    Tim Nerbas PAg Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
    Governance Committee
    1. Reviews the Institute’s policies and procedures and recommends revisions (as required) to the Council.

      Committee Members

      Amy Grindheim TechAg (Chair) Bob Tyler PAg
      Jake Berg (Public Representative) Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
      David McKerchar PAg Annette Horvath (Ex officio)
      Sherri Roberts PAg
      Professional Conduct Committee
      1. Examines cases of breach of ethics or conduct by members.
      2. Recommends a hearing by the Discipline Committee as required.

      Committee Members

      Michael Champion PAg (Chair) Andre Bonneau PAg
      Chris Hawkins PAg Laurie Hayes PAg
      Bill Houston PAg Chris Mansiere PAg
      Admissions & Registration Committee
      1. Receives applications for registration in the Institute.
      2. Accepts applicants for registration and assigns an articling period to be served, providing the application fulfills all the prerequisites.

      Committee Members

      David McKerchar PAg (Chair) Rex Newkirk PAg
      Bruce Coulman PAg Lindsay Folk PAg (Ret)
      Bryce Geisel PAg Ikenna Mbakwe PAg
      Tom Yates PAg Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
      Bryan Harvey PAg (Ret) Patricia Anderson (Ex officio)
      Discipline Committee
      1. Hears cases of breach of ethics or conduct by agrologists.
      2. Assigns disciplinary action where appropriate.

        Committee Members

        John Spencer PAg (Chair) Clint Pederson PAg
        Jake Berg (Public Representative) Ken Wall PAg
        Maurice Berry (Public Representative) Jim Zemluk PAg
        Karen Dow PAg Kim McLean PAg
        George Lewko PAg
        Finance & Audit Committee
        1. Reviews financial controls.
        2. Reviews expenditures and revenue projections comparative to actuals.

        Committee Members

        Robyn Morley PAg (Chair) Tim Nerbas PAg
        Cierra Wallington PAg Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
        Maurice Berry (Public Representative) Annette Horvath (Ex officio)
        Nominations Committee
        1. Supervises the nominations and election of the President-Elect, Technical Agrologist Representative and Farmer Representative.
        2. Supervises meeting procedures, the election of officers, and appointments of committee members at the Provincial Council and annual general meetings.

          Committee Members

          Robyn Morley PAg (Chair) David McKerchar PAg
          Tim Nerbas PAg Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
          Professionalism & Ethics Committee
          1. Coordinates the course with the articling agrologists.
          2. Grades completed exams.
          3. Ensures the relevance of the Professionalism & Ethics course.

          Committee Members

          Sherri Roberts PAg (Chair) Forrest Scharf PAg
          Dave Cubbon PAg David McKerchar PAg
          Sandra Shiels PAg Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
          Juanita Allin PAg Patricia Anderson (Ex officio)

          Ad Hoc Committees

          Professional Development and Practice Standards Committee
          1. Encourages and assists agrologists to conform to the Code of Ethics.

          2. Maintains watch on all matters pertaining to the maintenance and improvement of practice standards in agrology.

          3. Evaluates institute professional development offerings and courses to ensure they meet the requirements of the practice standards.

          4. Maintains watch on employment of agrologists in positions requiring an agrologist.

          5. Maintains watch on information being provided to the public.

          Committee Members

          Robyn Morley PAg (Chair) Dena Delday PAg
          Laurie Hayes PAg Valerie Pearson PAg (Ex officio)
          Shannon Craig TechAg Shannon Doucette (Ex officio)
          Dale Smart PAg Annette Horvath (Ex officio)

          Historic Committees

          The following committees are utilized on an ad hoc basis at the provincial level.

          Articling Program Committee

          Function of the Provincial Office, Admissions & Registration Committee, and Professionalism & Ethics Committee

          • Coordinates the articling program with the branches.
          • Coordinates articling milestones to provide articling agrologists with a comprehensive introduction to the role of the Institute and the responsibilities and ethics of all agrologists.
          Honours & Awards Committee
          1. Determines agrologists worthy of the Institute’s prestigious awards.
          2. Reviews nomination applications and supporting documents for awards.
          3. Recommends award recipients.
          The following committees’ functions have been distributed to the Executive Committee, Council or the provincial operations team:
          Professional Development & Standards Committee

          The function of the Provincial Council

          • Encourages and assists members to conform to the Code of Ethics.
          • Maintains watch on all matters pertaining to the maintenance and improvement of standards in Agrology.
          • Confers with the education committee on improving the standards of the profession.
          • Maintains watch on Agrology-related employment postings.
          • Maintains watch on information being provided to the public.
          • Reviews the technical program proposed for the annual meeting.
          Education Committee

          The function of the Provincial Council

          • Ensures continuing professional development courses are available to agrologists.
          • Confers with the Professional Conduct Committee on matters of professional standards related to education.
          • Reviews the technical program proposed for the annual meeting.
          • Examines agrology-related post-secondary education in Saskatchewan.
          • Reviews training opportunities for Technical Agrologists and others employed in the profession of agrology.
          • Reviews the College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan programs.
          Issues Committee

          The function of the Provincial Council

          • Responds to requests to develop a position on any issue relating to the agriculture, bioresources, food or the environment sectors.
          • Develops a position and discussion papers as required and appropriate.
          Public Awareness & Communications Committee

          The function of the Provincial Council

          • Publicizes the profession of agrology, as per the aims and objectives of the Institute.
          • Prepares advertisements, articles and press releases for branch events, branch scholarships, and the annual convention.
          • Prepares press releases regarding the contributions of individual members.
          Student Relations Committee

          The function of the Provincial Council

          • Promotes the Institute at agrology-related post-secondary schools, through scholarships, club associations, etc.
          • Coordinates the Student Affiliate Membership program.