Act, Bylaws and Agreements

The Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists (SIA) is guided by The Agrologists Act, its Bylaws (Regulatory and Administrative) and related agreements.

The Agrologists Act

The Agrologists Act is a statute of the Province of Saskatchewan. It gives the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists the authority to regulate the profession of agrology. The Act defines the professional standards for individuals practising agrology. The Act in its entirety can be read at:


The Act gives the Institute the authority to make regulatory and administrative bylaws, which are approved by the Institute’s registered agrologists.

Policies and Procedures

SIA policies and procedures are available to registered agrologists for downloading. They are meant to provide council, branch executives, committees, and staff with the necessary guidance to carry out key functions of the Institute. They are a beginning, versus an end, and should be considered a first step in articulating policies and practices required to meet the SIA’s regulatory mandate, as well as to guide the organization as a business.


The Institute has committed to the following agreements: